Summary of Indicators

The City does not set specific performance targets for community indicators as it recognizes that results are the collective responsibility and impact of partners and stakeholders, other levels of government, and all Edmontonians. Status is set by indicating the desired result or the desired trend. The trend status reflects results for the most recent data point compared to previous results. For some indicators a time-lag exists and the latest available data is presented.
Click on a specific indicator to see the trend and recent results. 
  • Green - positive change in result compared to previous result
  • Orange - minimal change (either positive or negative) or no change compared to previous result
  • Red - negative change in result compared to previous result

Healthy City: Equity

Healthy City: Community wellness

Healthy City: Neighbourly

Healthy City: Personal Wellness

Urban Places: Urban business

Urban Places: Growth and neighbourhood vibrancy

Urban Places: Housing options

Regional Prosperity: Business Innovation

Regional Prosperity: Prosperity

Regional Prosperity: Competitiveness

Regional Prosperity: Relevance

Climate Resilience: Climate mitigation

Climate Resilience: Air quality

Climate Resilience: Energy generation and use